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Our Organization

Our board currently consists of the following volunteers

The Next Humanitarians is made possible by a team of dedicated volunteers. Although our volunteers are globally based supporting events, the website, and developing resources, they are coordinated and supported further by our steering committee, pictured below. If you would like to get more involved either as a local volunteer, an organizational volunteer, or an experienced mentor, we are happy to get in touch!


Our board currently consists of the following volunteers

John joe

Kieto Mahaniah

Board Member

M.Sc. Humanitarian Logistics, Operations Manager for Humanitarian Logistics Research Institute, systems optimization through human centered design and leveraging community connections to empower participants

John joe

Maartje Scholten

Board Member

M.Sc. International Land and Water Management, Volunteer at the National Youth committee the Netherlands Red Cross, youth involvement in humanitarian responses with a focus on WASH response. 

John joe

Alex Quainoo

Board Member

LLB. Global Law, Legal and Compliance intern at ASML and Delegate of the 22nd Delegation to United Netherlands, interested in institutional development through law and organizational management

Junior Advisors

John joe

Rigmor Tholstrup

Junior Advisor

Producer at Trumanitarian, Researchers at HERE-Geneva, and Consultant at IOM – UN Migration

John joe

Anna Thau

Junior Advisor

Geospatial and conflict analyst at the European Commission and UNDAC enthusiast.

Senior Advisors

John joe

Kenny Meesters

Senior Advisor

PhD Crisis Information Management, prof at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, Information management trainer for emergency services, and board member for firefighters w/o borders. UNDAC and UCPM member